Thursday, July 30, 2015

Have you ever heard that microfiber cleaning cloths can remove 99% of bacteria and germs?"

Have you ever heard that microfiber cleaning cloths can remove 99% of bacteria and germs?

How can they do that?

Microfiber cloths may seem like a normHave you ever heard that microfiber cleaning cloths can remove 99% of bacteria and germs?"al silky textured cloth, nevertheless, they offer two advantages over regular cleaning cloths: absorption and retention.

Each microfiber strand is 100 times thinner than a human hair, each strand has microscopic gaps that store dust, bacteria and impurities giving microfiber absorbing proprieties unlike other cloths which just have a pushing effect, leaving residues on almost every surface.

Furthermore, microfiber eliminates the need for conventional cleaning products containing sticky residues that attract dust.

Our microfiber cleaning cloths are made of polyamide and polyester that possess positive static charges that act as magnets, attracting dirt and bacteria, that are negatively charged.

Also, the cloth’s contact with the surface can release static electricity (anti static), which will normally repel impurities providing a much cleaner area for much longer.

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